Digital Impresa Lazio notice

Regional Determination July 17, 2019, No. G08196

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“DIGITAL ENTERPRISE LAZIO NOTICE” Regional Determination July 17, 2019, no. G08196.
Project financed thanks to the contribution of the Lazio Region under the POR FESR 2014-2020 |project no. A0322-2019-
29754 | CUP F89J21032370004

1. Project description:The FEEL DIGIT 2.0 project aims to revolutionize the company’s strategy and ticket sales of
films in schools, equipping the company with innovative digital tools, particularly contiguous to the world of youth that
represents the company’s target market.

2. Purpose: The specialized consulting services provided will enable the implementation of solutions and integration systems between the
different corporate communication channels in order to create a renewed and more effective platform in terms of
digital communication and marketing.

3. Results: Specifically, the macro actions to be carried out will be as follows:
– Site structure check up
– Purchase, installation and parameterization SEO component
– SEO component optimization and management
4. Financial support received: 11,250.00 euro